des nouvelles / news

An Online Conference: How will this work?
All presenters have been asked to upload a version of their talk to our own Humanities Commons Group, at least one week prior to their scheduled session. This version of the talk can take many forms: it could be a written draft of a paper, slides with notes, a video

Change of Venue, Change of Theme
CSDH/SCHN takes seriously the statement made by the Black Canadian Studies Association (BCSA) that an online Congress of the Humanities would be ineffectual and inappropriate, particularly as the online format would make it impossible to properly engage Congress’s theme of Bridging Divides: Confronting Colonialism and Anti-Black Racism. The CSDH/SCHN PC

CSDH / SCHN 2020 moving online
Dear CSDH-SCHN Community, As we plan for our annual meeting we are taking the recent spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) very seriously. The CSDH-SCHN Program Committee and the CSDH-SCHN Executive met this week and have decided that, for our 2020 meeting, we are going to make the move to an online

CSDH/SCHN conference peer review guidelines
The CSDH/SCHN community prides itself on being professional, courteous, and supportive. With this in mind, the CSDH/SCHN 2020 PC has prepared the following guidelines for reviewing submissions to our annual conference. Reviews should be at least 1-2 paragraphs in length and should suggest ways that the proposal could be improved.

2019 Ian Lancashire Student Promise Award: Emese Ilyefalvi
It is with great pleasure that we announce the winner of the 2019 Ian Lancashire Promise Award — the award goes to Emese Ilyefalvi for “Looking through the Hungarian verbal charm corpus.” A visiting scholar at the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies at the University of Alberta,

Call for nominations: CSDH/SCHN 2020 Outstanding Contribution Award
This award is given for an exemplary project or publication by a Canadian researcher, or a researcher at a Canadian institution, or a team based at Canadian institution. It recognizes a major contribution to the field of digital humanities, broadly conceived, by a Canadian researcher or team of researchers, or

CFP: CSDH-SCHN at Congress 2020
CSDH/SCHN Conference 2020 London ON , May 31- June 3rd, 2020 Update: The CFP has been extended until January 10th, 2020!!! (Appel en français ci-dessous.) The Canadian Society for Digital Humanities ( invites scholars, practitioners, and graduate students to submit proposals for papers, panels, and digital demonstrations for its annual

Executive council update & upcoming vote
CSDH/SCHN is pleased to announce that Geoffrey Rockwell has agreed to serve as President from 2019-2022. His bio is below, as well as those who have put themselves forward for the positions Vice President English and Member-at-Large. We are still seeking a Graduate Student Representative. If you are interested please

Collaborative note-taking & Twitter participation at CSDH-SCHN 2019
This year, in an effort to encourage distance participation in our annual conference, the CSDH-SCHN Program Committee has set up a series of open documents for collaborative note-taking. The files can be found at this link: This experiment, done in the style of DLF conferences, allows members of the Canadian Digital Humanities

Deb Verhoeven: Opening Keynote at CSDH/SCHN
We are days away from our annual meeting at Congress in Vancouver, and are excited to tell you about our keynote speakers! Our opening keynote speaker is Deb Verhoeven, who has recently relocated from Australia to take up the Canada 150 Research Chair in Gender and Cultural Informatics at the University of