Statement of Support for the Pro-Palestinian Student Encampment at McGill

We are writing in response to concerns raised about our lack of a statement regarding McGill University’s treatment of the pro-Palestinian student encampment. Members of our community have expressed disappointment over our silence on the student protests occurring at multiple institutions. Both the executive and the program committee have been working tirelessly to ensure our conference venue respects the work stoppage by our unionized colleagues. While this has occupied much of our time, it is

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des nouvelles / news


Rapport Naylor: Appel à commentaires

La Société canadienne des humanités numériques souhaite obtenir le point de vue des membres de la communauté des humanités numériques concernant le rapport « Investir dans l’avenir du Canada : consolider les bases de la recherche au pays » (également appelé Rapport Naylor), rédigé dans le cadre de l’Examen du soutien fédéral

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Prix CSDH/SCHN 2016—Début de carrière exceptionnelle

Ian Milligan, expert en analyse de données massives dans le domaine des humanités numériques, est professeur adjoint au Département d’histoire à l’Université de Waterloo depuis 2012. Il a depuis publié deux livres : Rebel Youth: 1960s Labour Unrest, Young Workers, and New Leftists in English Canada (UBC Press, 2014) et

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CSDH/SCHN conférence 2016

Calgary, Alberta, 30 mai – 1 juin 2016 La Société canadienne des humanités numériques ( invite les chercheurs(res), les praticiens(ciennes) et étudiants(tes) aux cycles supérieurs à soumettre des propositions de communication, de sessions et des démonstrations numériques lors de ce rassemblement collectif qui aura lieu au Congrès des sciences humaines

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CSDH/SCHN conférence 2016

Calgary, Alberta, 30 mai – 1 juin 2016 La Société canadienne des humanités numériques ( invite les chercheurs(res), les praticiens(ciennes) et étudiants(tes) aux cycles supérieurs à soumettre des propositions de communication, de sessions et des démonstrations numériques lors de ce rassemblement collectif qui aura lieu au Congrès des sciences humaines

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Appel à candidatures pour le prix CSDH/SCHN – Début de carrière exceptionnelle

Le prix CSDH/SCHN – Début de carrière exceptionnelle vise à reconnaitre la contribution exceptionnelle d’un(e) chercheur(se) canadien(ne) ou d’un(e) résident(e) permanent(e) ou un(e) chercheur(se) dans un établissement canadien pendant le début de sa carrière. Pour être admissibles, les candidats doivent avoir obtenu leur doctorat depuis moins de 10 ans. Les candidats

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Photographie de Stéfan Sinclair souriant et regardant directement la caméra/Photograph of Stéfan Sinclair smiling and looking directly at the camera.

Stéfan Sinclair, In Memoriam

C’est avec tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès de  Stéfan Sinclair, qui nous a quittés le 6 août 2020 à Montréal, au Canada, entouré de sa famille.  (version français ci-dessous) It saddens us to write that on the morning of August 6th, 2020 Stéfan Sinclair passed away in Montréal,

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Executive positions — nominations now open

The Canadian Society for Digital Humanities (Société canadienne des humanités numériques) welcomes nominations and self-nominations for the Executive positions that have become open as of our Annual General Meeting on June 5th: Vice President, French (the term is 3 years)- Member at Large (the term is 2 years) Student Member

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CSDH-SCHN logo. White words with steps of green blocks on either side.

T-13 hours: Building Community Online

With less than a day to go before our annual CSDH-SCHN conference, I thought it might be good to post a short piece on what we hope comes out of this virtual event and some things that participants can do in order to help things flow smoothly.  But first, and

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View from above of two people sitting at a round grey table drinking coffee

DH Hangouts (early risers and afternoon coffee)

We all know that the best part of conferences are those unexpected encounters with colleagues in the hallway or over a meal. Though CSDH is online this year, we’re hoping to provide some space for this to happen in the form of Early Risers Hangout (from 10 – 11 EST)

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London Ontario street with Hear, Here London sign. Rue de London Ontario avec le panneau "Hear, Here London".

CSDH/SCHN 2020 Outstanding Contribution Award: Hear, Here London

Hear, Here London and its team are the winners of the CSDH/SCHN 2020 Outstanding Contribution Award. Hear, Here is led by Dr. Ariel Beaujot, an Associate Professor of History University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, and an Associate Visiting Professor Department of History University of Western. Hear, Here London is directed by

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An Online Conference: How will this work?

All presenters have been asked to upload a version of their talk to our own Humanities Commons Group, at least one week prior to their scheduled session. This version of the talk can take many forms: it could be a written draft of a paper, slides with notes, a video

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Change of Venue, Change of Theme

CSDH/SCHN takes seriously the statement made by the Black Canadian Studies Association (BCSA) that an online Congress of the Humanities would be ineffectual and inappropriate, particularly as the online format would make it impossible to properly engage Congress’s theme of Bridging Divides: Confronting Colonialism and Anti-Black Racism. The CSDH/SCHN PC

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CSDH / SCHN 2020 moving online

Dear CSDH-SCHN Community, As we plan for our annual meeting we are taking the recent spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) very seriously. The CSDH-SCHN Program Committee and the CSDH-SCHN Executive met this week and have decided that, for our 2020 meeting, we are going to make the move to an online

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