CSDH/SCHN Congress 2023
York University, May 29th-May 31st, 2023 Conference Program now available here! CFP (New Deadline - 30 January 2023)CSDH/SCHN Congress 2023: Reckonings and Re-imaginings (Appel en français ci-dessous.) The Canadian Society…
York University, May 29th-May 31st, 2023 Conference Program now available here! CFP (New Deadline - 30 January 2023)CSDH/SCHN Congress 2023: Reckonings and Re-imaginings (Appel en français ci-dessous.) The Canadian Society…
Having reached the end of my term as President of CSDH-SCHN I would like to thank the wonderful executive that I got to work with over these years. I’m thrilled that…
It is with pleasure that we announce that Arun Jacob has been chosen to receive the first Stéfan Sinclair Memorial Scholarship. His doctoral project in critical digital humanities, his strong…
Le prix CSDH/SCHN – Début de carrière exceptionnelle vise à reconnaitre la contribution exceptionnelle d’un(e) chercheur(se) canadien(ne) ou d’un(e) résident(e) permanent(e) ou un(e) chercheur(se) dans un établissement canadien pendant le…
The CSDH/SCHN Outstanding Early Career Award recognizes exemplary scholarly work by a Canadian or permanent resident researcher or a researcher at a Canadian institution during the early stage of her…
2022-2023 La bourse Stéfan Sinclair est conçue pour appuyer une personne qui étudie à un cycle supérieur, qui oeuvre à la croisée des sciences humaines, des langues, de la littérature…
2022-2023 The Stéfan Sinclair Scholarship is designed to support a graduate student working at the intersection of the humanities, literature, language and computing who needs financial assistance. Each year a…
L’Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) et la Société canadienne pour les humanités numériques/ Canadian Society for Digital Humanities (CSDH/SCHN) organisent du 17 au 19 mai 2022, DH Unbound, une conférence virtuelle…