Call for volunteers for ADHO Anti-racism Task Force

ADHO seeks to draw in and draw on the global DH community, with its strong commitment to and advocacy for social justice. We seek to engage community expertise and desire for change to help ADHO take action on the intersecting concerns articulated in our statement on Black Lives Matter, Structural Racism, and Establishment Violence.

ADHO seeks the help of the Anti-structural-racism Task Force to develop a strategy that will:

  1. reach every component of the organization, with a focus on the ways in which ADHO activities and policies affect individuals;
  2. engage the wider DH community through a range of channels;
  3. seek pathways to gathering both experiential narratives and measurable data to identify problems that can be targeted and addressed over time, iteratively; and
  4. work towards the commitments to action made in the statement. We recognize that not all of the tasks will be undertaken by the Task Force; that some may be undertaken by the EB, the COB, or in collaboration with the COs; and that they cannot all be achieved within the 2-year time frame.

People need not be involved in ADHO in order to volunteer; indeed, we are seeking insight from people outside of ADHO as well as members of COs.

Visit ADHO to learn more.