The Canadian Society for Digital Humanities awards one of the following award each year on a rotating basis:
Outstanding Early Career Award. This award recognizes exemplary scholarly work by a Canadian or permanent resident researcher or a researcher at a Canadian institution during the early stage of her or his career. Early career, in this context, usually extends from the later stages of doctoral work to up to 10 years since award of a PhD. The recipient need not be affiliated with an institution.
Outstanding Contribution Award. This award is given for an exemplary project or publication by a Canadian researcher, or a researcher at a Canadian institution, or a team based at Canadian institution. It recognizes a major contribution to the field of digital humanities, broadly conceived, by a Canadian researcher or team of researchers, or a researcher or team based at a Canadian institution, in the form of a recent scholarly publication or published software or tool contribution.
Outstanding Achievement Award for Computing in the Arts and Humanities. This award acknowledges a Canadian researcher or a researcher at a Canadian institution who has made a significant contribution, over an extended career, to computing in the arts and humanities, whether theoretical, applied, or in the area of community building.
The call for nominations is posted on the CSDH/SCHN site every fall.
The Ian Lancashire Promise Award Ian Lancashire Award for Graduate Student Promise recognizes an outstanding presentation at our annual conference of original research in the digital humanities by a graduate student. More than one award may be given in any year, or none at all, depending on the quality of the presentations. The terms of the award require that it go to a student or students presenting their own work, rather than to students who are presenting on work that is part of the effort of a larger team which includes more senior scholars. Students who would like to be considered for the award are asked to check the “this work was solely authored by students” checkbox when submitting their abstract through conftool.
(for information about travel support please see Funding Opportunities)